16th September, 2024

Safe{Wallet} Gets Even Safer: Introducing Blockaid Integration

Safe{Wallet} has taken its security to the next level with the integration of Blockaid. This update enhances real-time transaction simulations, provides more accurate alerts for suspicious activity, and offers additional protection against address poisoning. With faster and more reliable threat detection, Safe{Wallet} users can confidently manage their digital assets knowing they’re backed by industry-leading security.
Safe & Danilo Pereira

Safe{Wallet} x Blockaid: Enhanced Security for Your Transactions

We’re pleased to announce that Safe{Wallet} now features enhanced security with the integration of Blockaid’s advanced technology. This addition ensures that your transactions are more secure, with advanced tools working seamlessly in the background to protect your digital assets.

What’s New?

Safe{Wallet} has always prioritized your security with features like real-time transaction simulations and immediate alerts for malicious activity. Now, with the integration of Blockaid, these features have been further refined and strengthened to provide even more robust protection:

  • Real-Time Transaction Simulations: Safe{Wallet} continues to simulate each transaction before confirmation, now with the added accuracy and speed that Blockaid brings. This ensures potential risks are identified more efficiently, helping you avoid errors that could result in asset loss.

  • Immediate Alerts for Malicious Activity: Safe{Wallet} remains vigilant in notifying you if a transaction involves a suspicious or known malicious address. With Blockaid’s extensive database, these alerts are now even more reliable, reducing false positives and ensuring your assets are fully protected.

  • Address Poisoning Protection: Address poisoning is a growing threat where attackers create addresses that closely mimic legitimate ones, hoping you’ll send funds to the wrong destination. With Blockaid, Safe{Wallet} now alerts you if you’re about to send funds to a potentially malicious address, adding an extra layer of security to your transactions.

  • Expanded Threat Database: Blockaid’s extensive network includes partnerships with industry leaders like Metamask, Coinbase, 1inch, Zerion, and Rainbow. This means Safe{Wallet} now has access to a much broader and more accurate database of malicious assets, addresses, and threats. The result? Fewer false positives and negatives, and more precise alerts to keep your assets safe.

  • Faster Security Checks: We know that speed matters, especially when making transactions. With Blockaid, security checks in Safe{Wallet} are now quicker, giving you real-time feedback without delays, so you can make confident decisions on the fly.

See It in Action

Here’s how these enhanced security features work in real scenarios:

  • Standard Transaction Warning: In the first image, the system detects that a transaction might result in an unintended loss of assets. Safe{Wallet}, with Blockaid’s protection, alerts you beforehand, giving you the chance to prevent costly mistakes.

  • Critical Alert for Malicious Activity: The second image shows a more severe case, where Blockaid flags a transaction involving a known malicious address. This critical alert not only warns you of the risk but also helps you avoid transferring assets to a dangerous destination.

Proven Protection with Blockaid

Blockaid's technology has been rigorously tested and proven to be highly effective in safeguarding digital assets. To date, it has scanned over 4.5 billion transactions, prevented more than 100 million attacks, and defended against potential losses exceeding $4 billion. These impressive metrics demonstrate the reliability and strength of the protection now integrated into Safe{Wallet}, giving you unparalleled confidence in the security of your transactions.

Seamless Experience, Superior Security

There’s nothing you need to configure or change—these enhanced features are built right into Safe{Wallet} and operate automatically with every transaction. Continue to manage your digital assets with the added assurance that every transaction is thoroughly analyzed and secured.

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